Having trouble managing injuries coming into finals!?
After a couple of years of disrupted participation in sport and shorter or absent pre-seasons, it’s not surprising we have been busy managing sporting injuries and niggles. With finals time just around the corner for most winter sports, now is the perfect time to try and get on top of those niggling aches and pains.
Some considerations to think about leading into finals include:
- Overtraining – can lead to increased stress on the tissues if the training load exceeds the body’s ability to adapt and recover. Coming into the end of the season things like extra training or gym sessions through the week, increasing the intensity of training sessions and increasing running distance and/or speed can exceed the body’s ability to adapt if not completed in a graded manner.
- Undertraining – if the tissues are not prepared for the loads required for a sport or game like scenario then this can contribute to injury. Towards the end of the season, you may be pulling up sore which is affecting your ability to complete trainings at full capacity. If this is continuing to happen the tissues may not have the capacity to sustain the intensity required in a game contributing to fatigue and potentially injury.
If you feel either of these scenarios apply to you, you have an injury that has been bothering you all year that doesn’t seem to be resolving, or have picked up a recent injury and would like some guidance on how to navigate the end of the season, book your appointment with us today.